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my birthday was a few days ago! its so weird technically being an adult now. kind of scary but kind of exciting too!
I just don't understand how anyone can read the list of all the orders trump made and not feel a pit opening up in their stomach. there was only one (1) thing, the attempt to combat inflation, that was not violent towards immigrants and/or queer people. he's even trying to remove the 14th ammendment. and that not even talking about the two back to back n*zi salutes elon did. jesus christ. i literally feel sick to my stomach.
I know people that go to my school who are trump supporters. you read about terrible times in history and fictional dystopian societies and think "that would never happen to me," "i would do something," and you generally just feel so far removed even if its about your own ancestors. and yet this comically horrible clown of a person with his billionare sidekick gets up on stage and say horrible things and people cheer? they take them seriously? even musk who embarresses himself on the regular? who put me in a sitcom this doesn't feel like real life
only the first ep of s2 is out but i'm already so excited to see where this season goes! I rewatched s1 first and aa there was so much I forgot and it was even better than I remembered. fingers crossed s2 doesn't let me down
Making this mostly as an experiment but I do plan to post! Even if no one sees it but me, it would be fun to have a little digital diary. lets see how long this lasts ! :3
i can make read mores! hehe